Multistage Centrifugal Blowers
Micron Vacuum Pump offers a full range of multistage centrifugal products with 13 models to choose from. We have the right blower for your application today and our Research and Development department is developing new models to meet your needs tomorrow.
Our large parts inventory allows us to provide blowers and repairs with very short turnarounds.MVP also provides a complete array of aftermarket services including parts, shop overhauls, re-rates, field repairs and preventive maintenance contracts
We manufacture blower control systems from the simplest flow meter to completely integrated, PLC based blower monitoring and control systems capable of automatically sensing air needs and regulating air flow accordingly.
Multistage Centrifugal Blower
/ Exhauster Technology has many advantages:
- High Efficiency
- Clean Oil Free High Pressure Air
- No Pulsation of Flow
- Reliable and Simple to Maintain
- Heavy Duty Design for Continuous Service
- Very Low Sound Levels to Meet OSHA standards